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My name is Rodney Mann II. I am a 24 year old lyricist from the Flatbush area of Brooklyn, NY. I LOVE music with every ounce of my being and performing shares in that same love. I act, sing, dance and write poetry as well as rap, so I like to think I am a tad diverse. I have my both my Bachelors and Masters degrees from Fordham University. I was that young boy on the block doing store runs and look outs but I chose a different path with my life instead of moving up those ranks. Besides my family, I honestly think football saved my life. I was outside every day on the block before I started playing, and it was not until then that I realized that I could make something more of myself. I was a bad kid lol. My parents remember that I'm sure because I did NOT like to listen. I grew out of it though after that one whooping. We all have that one whooping that stayed with us through our lives. That snapped me back into place REAL quick (thanks dad lol). But I honestly had no intentions of going to college until I got a scholarship offered from Fordham to play football. Sounded good to me and then I was introduced to a whole new lifestyle. Meeting people from different parts of the world and seeing how they lived opened up a new idea of the "Good Life" for me. One thing I can say is that college and football helped me mature a lot faster than my peers. I moved out when I was still 16, had my own apartment with my two boys when I was 18 and been out on my own since. I grew up...period. I DO NOT like hand-outs and I do not ask people for anything. If you want to help then I appreciate it more than you probably know, but I have not even asked my parents for anything since before my 20' so you can understand how strongly I feel on the subject. lol I work and I honestly do not like it unless I earned it (football in me). I hate conceited people...side note.

I danced on Fordham Flava (SQUADDD UPPPP) in college for four years, was in the Black Theater Project having leads in- and directing- plays, and worked at Olive Garden off and on for three of my four years. I like being busy clearly lol. I am trying to make history with this music, thats what it comes down to. If you know me then you know I am a fun dude. I keep my circle small and mostly family so I know who to trust. SHOUTOUTS TO MY REAL FAMILY, GM FAM AND SOPHISTARATCHET CREW. I plan on making it far and I advise you to listen hard to my tracks. There is ALWAYS a lot going on. Aside from that stay tuned for the next project BOY2AMANN and I will keep you all updated. Thanks for your support, I LOVE YAL and GOD BLESS!

VID to the left gives a little more insight. #SWAGG!

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